JUVENILE ARTHRITIS: Runs in the Family

I woke up one day when I was 16 years old with sharp elbow pain, which was so unusual.  That elbow pain progressed to hands and knees - the swelling was so crazy that the doctors had to drain my joints with syringes - not fun.  I was soon diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis ran in my family, my mother and grandmother both had it, so I guess I was genetically predisposed for it. 

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DIABETES: LISTEN to your body

In 2010 I was diagnosed with Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. I was 19 years old, much older than most. A few weeks leading up to my diagnosis I was very ill: drinking so much water as if I hadn't had a sip of water in years, eating 4-5 meals a day, not to mention peeing around 10 times an hour! I lost 15 pounds in one week and knew I was feeling off. I told my parents something was wrong and they refused to believe me. 

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DIABETES: 15 years old & diabetic

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when I was around 15 years of age.  I started gaining weight rapidly and my doctors believed I had a thyroid problem.  After a few visits and many test, they figured out it was diabetes.  I didn't think much of it since I have a family history of the disease and my relatives were still living.  Doctors warned me to watch my weight and to follow a strict diet to prevent my blood sugar levels from spiking.

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Carla GervasioComment
LYME: The Ocean and ME

It was a beautiful day and no worries to think about.

I, as a beach ball, skipped happily across the sand.

I never stopped to think about the darkness ahead,
with out alarm, the winds or realism pushed me into the ocean of life.

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